a shocking example of just one of the so-called hairstyles supported by Cllr Pogonowski’s use of gel

The public purse has been plundered by ex-Green Cllr Adam Pogonowski, to fund gel to support his increasingly erratic hairstyles, it was revealed today.

We can exclusively reveal that on at least two occasions he has applied enough gel to support a central spike of at least 7 inches and then decided subsequently to flatten the spike, wasting the gel.

The environmental campaigner spent almost half the total hair gel bill for Councillors, despite having relatively little real hair under his expensive extensions.

Council Leader, Cllr Tim Bick, who doesn’t use any hair gel said:  “He defected from the Green Party to Labour in May, and we must now wonder:  was this was merely because he recognised that the Labour party would be willing to subsidise his constantly changing hairstyles?”

Jonathan IsaReallyBoringBe, from the Taxpayer’s Avoidance Campaign, criticised the spending, saying, “Everyone sometimes needs some styling gel.

However, for one Cllr to spend almost half as much as all the others cannot be acceptable.

What would happen, for example, if Cllr Andrea Reiner wanted emergency hairspray to fix her fabulous barnet in place?”

Cllr Pogonowski defended his record:

“I obviously don’t change my hairstyle unless it is critical:  for instance yesterday I only made 4,245 separate adjustments to my spikes.”

Gok Wan said “It’s tragic really.  The hair cut I mean.”