Cambridgeshire County Council has voted to be more like Belgium, it was announced recently, and what the hell is the point of Cllrs anyway?

Successive Cllrs of minority parties that not that many people like that much, fell over themselves to explain away moves to talk about things more, before voting on whether to talk about the same things even more at another meeting.  This meeting could then start by considering whether the results of the talking at the previous meeting had a sufficient number of words, or whether, in fact, that meeting needed re-running in order to achieve a more optimal word to person ratio.

There was then a Bourke vote, resulting in 3,456,743 votes to Ed Balls, and 67 votes to people actually in the room. It was ignored.

All this would increase the amount of democracy, they claimed, and that lots more democracy is a GOOD THING.

There was another vote about something at this point.

Cllr John Hipkin, executive cllr for being up one’s own backside, explained how jolly good it would be if councillors moved as quickly as possible away from a system that allowed decisions to be made:

“It’s jolly good” he confirmed “everyone is agreeing with me – even the people who said the things I’m saying before I’d thought them.”.

This was followed by a leadership vote, where all Conservative cllrs voted against Cllr hipkin, except City Cllr meftah, who raised his hand because cllr Bourke told him to.